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Complaints Procedure.


It is our objective at Hunnypot Corner Day Nursery is to provide all children with a high standard of quality care. Should you at anytime feel unhappy about any aspect of the service that the nursery provides we would like to be informed immediately in order to deal with the concern issue quickly and efficiently. There are various ways to deal with any complaints you may have:


1. Speak to the room leader as soon as you feel you have a concern or issue that needs to be investigated.


2. Speak to the nursery director Becky Leaney or daily manager Charley King or email her at regarding your concerns.  Any complaints made will be recorded and action taken to resolve the issue.


3. Make a complaint directly to OFSTED. You can contact OFSTED either in writing via telephone or email.



Telephone number: 0300 123 1231


In writing to: 


The National Business Unit


The Royal Exchange Buildings

St Ann’s Square


M2 7LA   


Via email:



All complaints will be recorded in the Complaints Log Book and dealt with in a quick effective and efficient manner. Parents will also be informed by letter of the outcome of the investigation raised by the complaint.




Reviewed May 2021



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