Hunnypot Corners Food and Drink Policy - Healthy Eating
Policy Statement
The aim of Hunnypot Corner is to provide those children attending the provision with a high-quality nutrition service and with food that is nutritious and well prepared.
Research has shown that the provision of a nutritionally balanced diet is a vital part in the healthy growth and development of children. Hunnypot Corner recognises this link and complies fully with current relevant nutritional standards including Section 3: The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework and the Eat Better, Start Better: A Practical Guide — Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England published by Action for Children.
Hunnypot Corner will comply with all relevant food-related legislation and local authority hygiene standards, including the Food Standards Act 1990.
We understand that high standards of food hygiene are critical. Lapses in food hygiene can lead to outbreaks of food poisoning which for small children can be very serious, even fatal. To ensure high standards of food safety this provision therefore complies fully with all food hygiene and safety standards and regulations including the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013. All staff are required to have a current food hygiene certificate.
With regard to food allergies, Hunnypot Corner complies fully with the Food Information Regulations 2014 and the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011 which require organisations such as early years provisions to provide allergy information on “unpackaged” or “loose” food sold or served.
Hunnypot Corner will take all necessary steps to ensure that parents are given full information about any allergens in the food served and to ensure that children attending the provision are kept as safe as possible from the dangers of allergic reactions. All children will be asked about allergies on registration with the provision and every effort made to ensure their food and drink preferences are met. Staff in the provision will be fully trained in catering for those with food allergies and in responding to queries about food content. A list of all allergens and intolerances are displayed in the kitchen and all other rooms for the staff to have access to. Care plans for individual children should also be kept in each room.
Hunnypot Corner believes that the provision of high-quality and nutritionally balanced meals, snacks and drinks is a key element in the effective care of children in early years provision. In addition, the organisation considers that mealtimes represent an important social occasion for children which they should look forward to. Thus the organisation will endeavour to ensure that mealtimes are as enjoyable as possible and that children are taught appropriate ways to behave when eating.
The manager will:
ensure that staff have basic knowledge about childhood nutrition and the importance of diet in child development
ensure that any meals, snacks or drinks provided are healthy, balanced and nutritious
ensure that those responsible for the preparation and handling of food are properly trained, equipped and competent
implement food safety policies by having effective management of food safety systems
ensure that all food is stored, prepared, cooked and served in a hygienic and competent way in compliance with all food safety legislation and best practice
notify Ofsted of any food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on the premises
obtain, record and act on information from parents about a child's dietary needs
ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities under food hygiene legislation including registration with the relevant Local Authority Environmental Health Department
keep careful records of all food hygiene activities conducted
take note in a child’s records of any food allergies they have and communicate this to kitchen and food handling staff, who will ensure that all foods are appropriately labelled if they contain an allergen (eg nuts) and are not given to affected children.
The provision will ensure the following.
The weekly snack and meal menu will be on display in advance.
The weekly menu will provide children with a varied, healthy and nutritionally balanced diet.
All children will be offered suitable foods, including children with special dietary requirements and allergies.
Early session children who do not receive breakfast at home will be offered this when they arrive, in agreement with parents or guardians.
Milk or water will be served with morning and afternoon snacks.
All dairy products used in the provision will be full fat.
Water will be available at all times.
Milk or water will be served with the main meal.
Children will be allowed to have second helpings of fruit or milk-based desserts if available.
Children will still receive dessert if they refuse their main course.
Parents or guardians will be advised if their child is not eating well.What the child was offered to eat will be available to view on the babys days app each day.
Parents of children who are on special diets will be asked to provide as much written information as possible about suitable foods, and in some cases may be asked to provide the food themselves.
Carers will sit with children while they eat and will provide a good role model for healthy eating.
Withholding food will never be used as a form of punishment or coercion and food will not be used as an incentive for good behaviour.
Children will be encouraged to develop good eating skills and table manners and will be given plenty of time to eat.
In this organisation all staff, including supervisory and those responsible for catering budgets, will be trained to have a basic understanding of the nutritional and other food related needs of children.
Those staff responsible for food handling and preparation will have basic food hygiene training and specific catering staff will have appropriate competencies supported by up-to-date qualifications.
We use Zebedees specialist nursery food suppliers to supply hot meals to the children each day, the company caters for all allergies and intolerances and has issued the nursery with its food hygiene certificate and ratings. Parents are able to contact the company directly for further information on 01323811307 and are issued with a menu termly. The nursery tea is provided by the nursery and our fully trained kitchen assistant, all parents are provided with a menu when going the nursery and our tea menus can be found on our website.
We work with Zebedees on promoting positive habits and relationships with food for all children. We will support children to try different foods and encourage children to try new things. Children will not be denied pudding if they don’t eat their main meal as this can also have a negative impact on eating habits. All of Zebedees puddings are made very healthily and include lots of vitamins and nutrients. Where possible staff will eat with the children as this also encourages health eating habits.