From 23rd March to 29th May, Hunnypot Corner Day Nursery has only been open for children of key workers and vulnerable children. In order to open to all children on 1st June, we put in place the following policy and procedure.
This document is likely to evolve based on feedback from staff, parents and children, as well as new guidance from the government. The core guidance from the government on “implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings” can be found here.
We do not currently know how long these measures will be in place. We will update parents as the situation develops in the coming months.
Updated: 8th September 2020.
Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period should attend the setting.
Any child with a high temperature of 37.8 or above, a new continuous cough or a loss/change of smell or taste must not attend for 10 - 14 days or until they test negative for COVID-19.
For any child living in a household where another person has a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss/change of smell or taste, the child must not attend nursery for at least 14 days or until they test negative for COVID-19.
Staff reserve the right to take children’s temperature on arrival at nursery and will not admit any child with a high temperature. We will usually take a temperature if a child or accompanying parent/carer appears unwell.
Children attending our setting are not allowed to attend any other setting during this time. If a child attends more than 1 setting they will need to choose which setting they continue to attend.
Children will be organised into small groups or rooms called “Bubbles”. Each Bubble will consist of no more than 12 children per day, although over the course of a week it may consist of up to 16 children because of different children attending on different days.
Baby room, Toddler 1, Toddler 2 and Pre School will each be a Bubble.
Provision of meals, nappy changing and toileting will take place within the space allocated to each Bubble, except in emergencies in which case appropriate cleaning will be conducted before and after use.
The garden will be used by different rooms at different times of the day, with toys being cleaned between Bubbles.
Distancing of beds for sleeping children will be facilitated as much as possible.
Children will be supported in age appropriate ways to understand the steps they need to take to keep themselves safe including regular hand washing and sneezing into a tissue and throwing it away.
Children will be supported to understand the changes and challenges they may encounter as a result of COVID-19 and staff will be aware of children’s attachments and their need for emotional support at the moment. A COVID 19 story book has been purchased to help children understand some of the changes they may face.
Only staff who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period should attend the setting.
Any staff member with a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss/change of smell or taste must not attend for 10-14 days or until they test negative for COVID-19.
For any staff member living in a household where another person has a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss/change of smell or taste, the staff member must not attend nursery for at least 14 days or until they test negative for COVID-19.
Staff will be risk assessed if returning to work after a period of isolation or having had COVID-19.
Staff in the nursery will be limited to the number which is needed for the number of children expected.
Wherever possible staff will be with the same Bubble/room they are allocated to and not come into contact with other groups for at least each whole week.
Social distancing must be maintained by staff during breaks where possible and practical. This will be managed by staggering lunch breaks where possible.
Staff members will avoid all close contact with each other.
All staff members will receive appropriate instruction and training in infection control and the relevant operating procedure and risk assessments.
All staff have completed COVID 19 training, hand washing and PPE training.
Only parents/carers who are symptom free and/or have completed the required isolation periods will be able to drop off and collect their child.
Only one parent/carer is permitted to drop off or collect their child.
Parents/carers must stay 2 metres away from staff where possible.
Parents/carers have been requested to stay 2 metres apart when waiting to drop off or pick up children. If queues start forming, then tape, chalk or paint will be used to mark safe queuing distances at the entrance to the nursery.
If parents are entering the entrance area they are required to wear a mask whilst in the nursery entrance hall, if they would prefer they can wait just outside the main door where a mask will not be required.
Parents can enter the entrance are to the nursery but will not be able to enter other parts of the nursery except for very limited reasons, such as settling a child who may become distressed, or during the settling in sessions of a new child. Parents must not come into close contact with other children or staff.
Parents will receive clear communications regarding the role they play in the safe operating procedure and all measures being taken to ensure the safety of their children and themselves. Parent mail will be used to communicate updates and changes to procedures.
Parents should use email or phone to pass on messages to staff where necessary to limit the amount of time spent at the door and in the nursery. Report sheets will be given to all parents about their child’s day.
Visitors must wash their hands when entering the nursery and use hand sanitising gel.
All surfaces touched or objects handle by visitors must be sprayed with disinfectant and wiped down upon their departure.
All visitors to remain strictly 2 metres away from staff.
All visitors must wear a face covering while in areas of the nursery with children in them, or where they cannot stay 2m away from staff. This includes any person taking a tour of the nursery while it is open.
Parents, staff, children or visitors must not enter the nursery if they are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.
Deliveries, including Tesco shopping deliveries and Amazon parcels, are taken from the door and then taken straight to the office or kitchen areas and disinfected where necessary.
Visitors are kept to a minimum and only attend the nursery where necessary.
Wherever possible staff and parents should travel to the nursery alone, using their own transport
If public transport is necessary, current government guidance on the safe use of public transport must be followed.
If a child travels abroad to a different country with their family and the country is not on the travel exemption list then they will need to isolate for 14 days, the travel exemption list is available to view on the government website. If any parents are unsure they should check with a member of staff.
All children and staff must wash their hands on arrival at the nursery and before they leave to go home.
Children will be encouraged to wash their hands more frequently during the day, such as after wiping their nose, before and after eating, when coming in from the garden, before touching their faces.
Staff will be encouraged to wash their hands more frequently, such as before preparing and serving food, after wiping children’s noses, after cuddling children, after supporting toileting or nappy changing, before eating, before touching their faces, and before leaving the nursery.
Additional portable sinks have been supplied at the nursery to aid hand washing and hand washing schedules are in place to monitor this.
All frequently used surfaces (tables, counter tops, toilets, sinks) will be cleaned and disinfected twice daily.
Floors will be steam cleaned or disinfected daily, door handles and light switches must be disinfected at least daily.
Telephones and tablets must be disinfected at least daily.
Procedures for cleaning resources are explained in the sections below.
Any bins that children have access too will be emptied daily.
All waste will continue to be disposed of in a safe and hygienic way.
Bedding will continue to be washed at the setting between use and will not be shared.
Current Government guidance is that PPE should not be required in general practice in nurseries to protect against COVID-19 transmission. PPE, such as aprons and gloves, will continue to be worn as usual for nappy changing and the administration of first aid.
PPE consisting of disposable gloves, a disposable apron and a fluid-resistant surgical face mask will be worn for supervising a child with COVID-19 symptoms and for cleaning the area they were isolated in, as specified below. If a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting, or vomiting, then eye protection should also be worn.
Windows will be kept open or on trickle when possible to ensure good ventilation.
Children are not permitted to bring items from home into the setting, including toys and lunch boxes, unless absolutely essential for their wellbeing. When this is the case items must be cleaned on arrival.
Any toys or other resources accessed by children will be cleaned and disinfected prior to being put away by the end of the day.
To manage cleaning of resources, some difficult to clean items may be removed from the rooms. Free access to some resources may be limited, so that staff can control when children use resources and they need to be cleaned.
Equipment used by staff, such as tablets and stationery will be allocated to individual staff members where possible and cleaned at least daily.
The setting will ensure an adequate supply of essential stock, such as gloves, aprons and disinfectant materials as the nursery will not be able to operate without essential supplies to ensure infection control.
If anyone becomes ill with a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss/change of smell or taste in the nursery they must be sent home and advised to follow the “COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection”.
If a child is waiting to go home, they should be isolated in the sensory room with appropriate adult supervision. If the Sensory room is not available, they can be isolated with a member of staff in another room and the gate closed. If it is not possible to isolate them, the child should be moved at least 2 meters away from others.
Staff will call 999 if they become seriously ill or their life is at risk.
The staff member responsible for the child during this time should if possible be someone from their Bubble.
The staff member caring for the child will wear appropriate PPE. This consists of disposable gloves, a disposable apron and a fluid-resistant surgical face mask. If a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting, or vomiting, then eye protection should also be worn.
If the child needs to use the bathroom whilst waiting to be collected they should use a separate bathroom. This should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being used by anyone else.
The member of staff who has cared for the child who was taken unwell does not need to go home unless they develop symptoms. The staff member should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds.
The area where the child was isolated should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by the same staff member, while still wearing the PPE. All cleaning materials and discarded PPE will be double bagged and put in to the clinical waste bin in the outdoor area.
If a child or staff member becomes unwell with Coronavirus the setting will inform all parents and Carers who have been in contact with the child and they will then need to isolate for 14 days. If a child becomes unwell with Coronavirus the whole of that room will need to isolate for 14 days. Parents/Carers will be informed as soon as practical possible.
Any confirmed cases will be reported to OFSTED on 03001231231 and Public Health England (PHE) south east will be contacted on 03442253861.
For further advice and guidance.
If any parent or carer is unsure about their child’s symptoms they should call 111 for further clarification.
To arrange a COVID 19 test for yourself or your child please visit: